One Industry's Waste is Another Industry's Raw Material ----- If YOU are not Recycling then YOU are THROWING IT ALL AWAY !!!!

     Maine Materials Exchange

Helping Maine Industry Minimize Waste through Industrial and Commercial REUSE and RECYCLING

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 Appendix F -Financial

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Electronic Appendix R - Response
Appendix F -Financial


Financial Consideration Table             

Compensation for M2X services is based on the level of services rendered, the value of the commodity exchanged and the commitment of the generator to the M2X program via an annual subscription associateship. There is an assumed effort input by M2X as the commodity moves through the various levels of marketing and there is an assumed diminishing financial return relative to the value of the commodity. Both assumptions and the subscription status are reflected in the percent fee schedule levied by M2X for the services rendered. The Associate and/or Patron can remove the commodity from the M2X marketing schedule at any time, if such is the choice. One half of the percentage fee for Pre-Priced Classsification Sale (PPC) is assessed a removed commodity unless otherwise negotiated.

ASSOCIATESHIP  SUBSCRIPTION:                                                 

The Annual Subscription for M2X ASSOCIATE status is:
-- Pay per employee: $2.00 per employee with Minimum of $25.00
                                                                                        / Maximum of $5000 
-- Non-Profits are granted Associateship Status for the minimum of $25.00

Subscription Associateship benefits:
-- Lower percentage rate on commission for sale/handling of commodities
-- Listed on the M2X WebSite as an Associate and supporter of M2X
-- Potential for a listing as a Broker/Dealer for M2X


M2X Marketing Levels:

Listing in the Materials Exchange Data Base and on the M2X Internet Web Site:

1. No charge for data input and the published listing.

2. For actual exchanges or sales orchestrated the fee structure is based on the value
                 of transactions:
        ¨ Subscription Associate Clients - 15% of sale price
        ¨ Non-subscription Patron Clients - 30% of sale price

3. Currently no charge for zero value/free ownership exchanges
        ¨ Only a donation is requested to support the M2X mission and goals.

4. No charge for non-profit organization exchanges / donations.

5. Wanted Listings which result in successful exchanges will be assessed:
       ¨ A negotiated  service fee not greater than 10% of the exchange.
       ¨ Only a donation is requested to support the M2X mission and goals.


M2X Warehouse Marketing Levels:

1. Pre-Priced Classification Sale - PPC
        ¨ Listed / Offered for sale for three or four months (Active contact with potential
                    buyers, brokers, and dealers)
        ¨ Price adjusted based on client / buyer / M2X interactions
        ¨ Commodity may be returned to source, if no sale, after a client pre-determined

        Fees for Pre-Priced Warehouse Sales
        ¨ Subscription Associate Clients - 20% of sale price
        ¨ Non-subscription Patron Clients - 40% of sale price

2. Sealed Bid Offering - SBO
       ¨ Offered for sealed bid sale within or after four months
       ¨ Responses are evaluated and sale selections made
        ¨ Depending on responses a second offering maybe made.
       ¨ Commodity may be returned to source, if no sale, after a client pre-determined

        Fees for Sealed Bid Sales
       ¨ Subscription Associate Clients - 25% of sale price
        ¨ Non-subscription Patron Clients - 50% of sale price

3. Auction Catalog Offering - ACO
        ¨ Announce offering at Periodic Auction sale - with or without min. bid
        ¨ Auction held       
        ¨ Commodity may be offered at second auction without min. bid
        ¨ Commodity may be returned to source if no sale after a client pre-determined
        ¨ Commodity may be recycled for basic materials recovery
        Fees for Auction Sales
        ¨ Subscription Associate Clients @ 30% of sale price plus 10% Auctioneer fee
        ¨ Non-subscription Patron Clients @ 60% of sale price plus 10% Auctioneer fee

4. Unsold Commodities Recycled to Basic Materials Recovery
       ¨ No financial recovery to client - 100% of any financial gain to M2X

5. Registered Broker Program:
        ¨ Broker Discount for purchasing and taking possession - 15%
       ¨ Broker Commission for orchestrating a sale - 10%


For Assistance or Questions on this Appendix F - Financial Consideration Table or for more information, Call M2X @ 207-865-6621 or e-mail:



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Copyright © 2000 Maine Materials Exchange
Last modified: February 18, 2000