One Industry's Waste is Another Industry's Raw Material ----- If YOU are not Recycling then YOU are THROWING IT ALL AWAY !!!!

     Maine Materials Exchange

Helping Maine Industry Minimize Waste through Industrial and Commercial REUSE and RECYCLING

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Appendix A - Codes Electronic Appendix B - Available Listings Electronic Appendiz B- Wanted Listings DISCLAIMER

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Available Materials
Wanted Materials
Submit an Ad
Respond to a Listing

To submit a free listing with the Maine Materials Exchange (M2X):

First choose whether you have something that is: 

Available For Exchange  (use Appendix B - Available Listing Form)

Or whether you:

Want To Find   (use Appendix B - Wanted Listing Form) some material or item.


The appropriate Listing Form (Appendix B - Available OR Wanted) can be completed and submitted electronically by e-mail OR  it can be printed into hard copy from the web site computer screen page, then completed and faxed or mailed  to M2X.   Submitting hard copy via mail or fax does take a little longer, however it avoids the need to respond to an e-mail re-confirmation of the electronic submission. 


To Display the forms in text format for hard copy printing, completing and submission, make your selection below:

Display Appendix B - Available Listing Form in text format for hard copy printing.

Display Appendix B - Wanted Listing Form in text format for hard copy printing.


Note: Please fill out a separate form for each type of material either wanted or available. Do not mix wanted materials and available materials on the same forms and do not list more than one material on any single form. There is no charge for your listing(s). Your firms's identity is never listed nor identified in this web site and is kept confidential  until an exchange is consumated.

Please Also Note: All transactions are governed by the Disclaimer and submission of listings via listing forms are considered to be confirmation that you have read the Disclaimer and agree.   

For further information Contact: Harold E. Arndt, M2X Program Director at 93 Maquoit Dr., Freeport, ME 04032;  Phone 207-865-6621, Fax 207-865-6478  or e-mail:



Up ] Appendix A - Codes ] Electronic Appendix B - Available Listings ] Electronic Appendiz B- Wanted Listings ] DISCLAIMER ]

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 Maine Materials Exchange
Last modified: February 18, 2000